One Is Never Afraid of the Unknown; One Is Afraid of the Known Coming to An End.


070_magic_stars_loop[1]“One is never afraid of the unknown; one is afraid of the known coming to an end.”

— Krishnamurti (1895 – 1986)

Doesn’t this teaching by Krishnamurti put a whole new twist on things?  First, it helps us see – we tend to be afraid of the known ending – more than we are afraid of the unknown.  Sounds obvious.  But, is it?

We all age.  Some of us want to hang onto a previous age – a known.  The weird thing is it isn’t even real anymore.  Why do we resist moving into the unknown of the age we actually are?  Why do we feel a compulsion to hang onto youth – why do we resist the unknown of each year as it passes and we grow older?  It sort of turns the whole present moment awareness thing upside down.  How can I live in the present…

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